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Classroom of students

Huntington Elementary School

School Hours: 8:50AM-3:35PM / Early Dismissal: 1:35PM

Address: 80 West Town Street, Norwich CT 06360

Phone: 860-823-4204

Fax: 860-823-4241

Welcome to Huntington Elementary

Samuel Huntington Elementary School has an average enrollment of approximately 400 students in grades pre-school through grade 5. Because of the faculty’s commitment to excellence, it is a true learning environment for both children and adults. Our Character Education program includes recognition of individual students for exemplifying the character traits of responsibility, respect, caring, cooperation, and honesty with BUG awards (Being Unusually Good). These awards are displayed on the walls throughout the building. The school features it's Positive Behavior Intervention Support Program; a team was established and members received intensive training. The team, in turn, started the process of implementing the program within the school. Huntington parents support our efforts on a daily basis through volunteerism and their commitment to work as partners with faculty and administration. In addition, our PTO sponsors and coordinates many school-wide enrichment activities and field trips. As a school of choice in the district, new students are welcomed into our school community. Samuel Huntington Elementary School remains dedicated to continuing its long tradition of academic excellence while meeting the changing needs of our students as they develop into contributing members of our global society. 

Student & Family Resources

Two students holding up caught being helpful awards

Community Programs & Events

Students in a classroom

About our School

Students having lunch with Principal Fragola

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